Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ice Queen Necklace

After refraining from entering contests or challenges for well over a year, I've now committed to two challenges in the past few weeks. I just finished this necklace for the Bead Mavens Ice Queen Challenge:

This piece contains a whopping 17 individual Pagoda Beaded Charms, and it's easily the first time that I've made so many identical beaded beads. 

I actually didn't think of entering this challenge until I coincidentally came up with the color palette for these charms. I like that it's wintery but also glowing with colors of blues and purples - somewhat different than the monochromatic snow-white palette usually associated with winter or an Ice Queen. 

Then again, there's a whole lot that you can do with a monochromatic snow-white palette. Different combinations of crystals, pearls, and different seed bead finishes can add variety and texture without adjusting the colors in a piece. My wedding necklace from last summer uses this strategy:

Upon request, I entered this piece into the challenge too. Check out all the other entries here - there are some seriously beautiful pieces in this gallery!


  1. Thanks Onye! There are so many gorgeous pieces entered into this challenge that I don't expect to win, but I'm glad that I participated!

  2. Wow, both are stunning! I adore the pagoda charms. Good luck!

  3. Both are just gorgeous and definitely fit the theme, good luck!

  4. Your Ice Queen Necklace reminds of the "glowing" blues that can be seen in icebergs and glaciers. Great color palette and perfect the Ice Queen Contest!

  5. Thanks everyone! Kokopelli- that's exactly the color palette that I was going for. I'm so glad that you like it!
