Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Color Matching: Lampwork and Beaded Beads

I'm always looking to challenge myself to incorporate new color palettes into my beadwork. One of the more fun ways to accomplish this is to color-match beadwork to the colors of a lampwork focal bead or bead set. Indeed, color maven Margie Deeb recently noted how seed bead and lampwork artisans are kindred spirits in the exploration of color, and expressed a desire to see more collaboration between these groups of artists (I'd argue that Cynthia Newcomer Daniel and Melissa Vess are making much headway in this area). 

So when I was making some new Double Pagoda beaded beads in preparation for writing a tutorial, I decided to color-match some of them to one of Melissa's focal beads.
I was picky about the colors that I chose for this beaded bead, since Melissa's bead contains some very specific shades of tan and silvery aqua. For the Swarovski crystals, I chose the dark indigo hue, which is similar to the dark blue iris shade of my chosen peanut seed beads. I went all-tan with the seed beads, in slightly different shades, and put the aqua colors in the drop beads. 
My first Double Pagoda attempt contained more tan and less blue than the lampwork bead, so I swapped some of the tan seed beads for dark blue iris.
The difference is somewhat subtle, but I think it matches the lampwork bead much better.
Here are both attempts side-by-side next to the lampwork bead:
Do the colors match and complement the lampwork bead? What do you think?


  1. Perfect match! I'm in love with all shades of blue.

  2. Hello, yes i guess also this is the perfect color and beaded bead..... you have done many many fantastic bead, i like it... greetings andrea

  3. Thanks Kokopelli and Andrea! I'm glad that you like it - it's amazing how such subtle changes can affect the finished beaded bead.

  4. Wow - that is a fantastic idea. I am a lampworker and always START with my focal and then try to hunt down complimentary accent beads. Smart to start the other way around. Thanks for the tip. :)

  5. I think it's a perfect match! and the shape of the beaded bead complements the lampwork as well.

  6. What a wonderful post... I am amazed at how well you matched the beads.. Incredible work!!!

  7. Thanks everyone! :)

    Melissa - it took a while and a lot of back-and-forth at the bead store; they must have 20 kinds of tan seed beads and there were only a few that were just right. Wouldn't it be fun if seed bead manufacturers made glass rods for lampworkers?
