Saturday, February 19, 2011

Margie and Me Color Challenge: The Modern Madrid

For Marcie's latest Margie and Me Color Challenge, I chose Margie Deeb's "The Colors of Constructivism," or palette #102 from The Beader's Color Palette. Lots of grey, black, teal, and more grey in this palette. Not my usual choice of colors:
I made a Double Pagoda Beaded Bead pendant since I just finished its tutorial and therefore had this design on the brain. I went for teal and grey round seed beads, teal Miyuki drop beads, some shade of AB2X Swarovski crystal (Indian Sapphire?), and black Czech drops:
I think I pretty much failed to match the colors called for in the palette. With a little planning, I would have picked up some of the newer Crystal Silver Night Swarovski crystals, which I think would cool down this pendant but still give it some sparkle. I still like the pendant though, enough to keep it for myself :)
Be sure to check out all the other Margie and Me challenge pieces on Marcie's blog

Have you ever worked in a color palette that just didn't fit your style? If so, what did you come up with?


  1. I chose to go with the other palette, but would never have chosen these colors. I thought I just take the challenge and work with yellow, which is my least used color. But I fell in love with the palette and the outcome.

  2. Hello there...i found your blog through the Margie & Me challenge....

    Your pendant is beautiful! I love the colors and can imagine myself wearing this with a black or yellow top. Ooh that would really make it pop!

  3. That little bead makes such a great pendant. Sometimes the things that are just little pops of color are the best for sure!

  4. Stunning! I disagree - I think you hit the color pallette perfectly. Without the blue it would have been too passive for a focal bead. Love the bead pattern too. Just the kind of puzzle I enjoy.

  5. I think it came out great. Perfect go-with-jeans number that I would love to wear :-)

  6. Thanks for the kind comments everyone :).

    Kokopelli - Yes indeed, your challenge piece came out quite nice! I was too chicken to go with the yellow palette myself, especially since I don't have many yellow beads in my stash.

    Earthlyjewels and Elisabeth - Great wardrobe ideas! I've been wearing it with jeans all weekend, but yellow would definitely show it off too.

    Marcie - Isn't it true? I guess I just can't resist adding color to a grey palette...

    Preserve Jewelry - It's a fun design for sure. It's not the shape of a traditional polyhedron like much of my work, but I enjoy making these beaded beads because they have a lot going on in a small space. Not easy to get bored with these little guys :)

  7. Looks great! I think your colour choices are perfect. Those little beaded beads are so versatile aren't they... nice work!

