Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scenes From the Bead & Button Show

I'm back home and gradually getting back into the swing of things after teaching at the Bead & Button Show last week. The show was as intense as I expected, but I had a great time! I was so busy that I only managed to take a few pictures though. Here I am posing with my booth right before the Meet the Teachers event:
Meet the Teachers was crazy busy! I was happy to meet Sarah of Saturday Sequins, Linda Roberts of My Heart Beads For You, and reconnect with Carol Perrenoud of Bead Cats. Next year I'll have to set aside more time outside of Meet the Teachers to be able to talk to everyone for more than 30 seconds!
Here I am with my fellow beaded bead addicts Gwen and Florence at their booth. Gwen's wearing her Infinity Ubercube necklace that graced the show schedule page of the show program.
Speaking of Cali peeps, I had a lovely dinner with Beki and Shawn Haley of the seed bead mecca Out on a Whim, and also met with my soon-to-be San Diego neighbor Marcia DeCoster. I'm looking forward to living in the same town as such a fantastic bead artist!

My students were awesome! Fellow dodecahedron fan Sharon Wagner of Yadasi Beads finished her Tila Garden pendant in class, and was exceptionally kind to come back the next day and assist me in my larger class. Check out the Infinity Dodecahedra and Ionic Polyhedra in her necklace:
Finally, Gwen and Florence and I had a nice breakfast with Leslie Rogalski. We didn't plan to all wear pendants that morning, but it just somehow turned out that way:
Have you gone to any bead shows lately? What kinds of pictures did you take?


  1. It was great getting to meet you in person! I'm glad the show went so well for you and that you got to meet up with all kinds of awesome beady people. Carol of BeadCats is an absolute doll, and I talked to Shawn from Whimbeads for the first time this year -- he's great. :)

    I hope to see you at the show next year!

  2. Great photos Cindy! Your blog gave me a real feel for the show from the teacher's point of view - thank you. I'm so glad the show was a success for you!

    Kerrie :)

  3. Thanks Sarah and Kerrie! I really like Carol's taste in Czech beads, and her work with teeny tiny seed beads (smaller than 15°) is really impressive and far beyond everything I could do. Shawn and Beki awesome and have an equally keen eye for Japanese seed beads, and I've been really grateful for their support over the past few years. I hope to see both of you there next year!

  4. I really enjoyed these pictures! I knew you were teaching this year and wondered how it went. I would have loved to be in the middle of a few pictures you shared, too!

  5. Thanks Erin! Perhaps we will see each other at next year's show? I'd love to see you too!
