Monday, December 3, 2012

Snowflake Earrings for the Holiday Season

I wove several pairs of earrings based on the snowflakes featured in my Snowflakes Bracelet. Not quite in traditional snowflake colors though. Here's one in bronze, copper, and gold:
And another in dark violet, gold and pearl white:
 This one uses the same color pattern as above, only with metallic blues and less gold:
I love the combination of garnet, dark metallic purple, and silver:
Finally, this purple and silver pair reminds me of snowflakes at night:
Each pair of earrings is available for purchase in my Etsy shop. Click on the images above for more information about each pair.


  1. They're fantastic! The last pair (purple and silver) is my favourite:D

  2. Thanks so much! The purple pair is my favorite too :)
