Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tila and Rizo Charm Earrings

Have you Rizo'd? After making a Double Bubble Jacks beaded bead with these little rice-shaped drop beads, I tried them out in my new Tila Droplet Charm design. I substituted both the 2.8 and 3.4 mm drops with rizos, and came up with these purple and copper earrings:

The rizos definitely give this design a different look and shape! Though since some extra thread shows around the rizo beads when they're used in this design, I added a couple more 15° seed beads to these earrings compared to the charms described in the original pattern. Two extra seed beads sit on either side of the rizos on the sides of the charm, and four extra seed beads sit at both the top and bottom of the charm, between the circles of four rizo beads.

Would you like to make your own rizo bead earrings? The Tila Droplet Charm design is available as a free pattern on my website as a PDF download, where I explain how to weave this rizo'd variation. As always, if you find this pattern useful, drop me a line and let me know!


  1. Cute earrings! Adding those extra little seed beads was a great idea.

    I haven't tried Rizo beads yet, but I really want to. They're adorable!

  2. Thanks so much! Rizos are interesting little beads. I've found that I can sometimes substitute them for the Miyuki drop beads in my previous designs, but it doesn't always work.

  3. I meant to comment on a previous post. Thank you for the freebie pattern. I really like these earrings with the rizo beads. I can't wait to try it.

  4. Thanks Tanya! I'd love to see what you'll make with this pattern :)
