Monday, March 18, 2013

Definitely a Dahlia!

What's in a Name?

Thanks to everyone who contributed a name idea for my new beaded pendant with rizos and rivolis! After consideration of the suggestions made on this blog and on my Bead Origami Facebook Page, I took to Google's image search to see how the subjects of these names matched the original pendant.

A close second was an anemone flower (a name I, embarrassingly, first took for a sea anemone), but when I came across this picture of a gorgeous dahlia, it was a perfect match!

Color-Matching Exercise

I also learned that dahlias come in several different varieties and colors, from pure white to speckled dark purple. On occasion, I like to do color-matching exercises by creating a piece of beadwork from a photo, and this photo of an orange dahlia looked like a challenging candidate for this exercise.

I chose rose peach Swarovski crystals and matching rizo and Czech drop beads for the petals, and a luminous green crystal for the center rivoli. The crystal in the center is a little big compared to the center of the dahlia in the photo, but the orange beads are a great match!

Again, thanks again to everyone who contributed name ideas for this design! The pattern is coming soon!