Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Pendant with Rizos and Rivolis

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to the start of spring. So, I designed a new pendant with a floral theme.

Design Goal: Something Flowery, with Rizo Beads

I thought that the new rizo beads looked a lot like little flower petals, so I experimented with several different ways of making them into little beaded flowers. After weaving several uninspired prototypes, I finally got the obvious idea to just stick a big rivoli crystal in the center of them. From there, some Czech drop beads and rivoli pendants just fell into place, resulting in this very flowery pendant.

Solution: Rivoli Crystals!

Clearly, a central rivoli was the solution to this design conundrum, and I'm learning that, rather than getting out-of-style, a bezeled rivoli can really enhance a beading design. I like how so much of the rivoli is visible in this pendant, since they sometimes get buried by the beads used to bezel them in other designs (including one of my own).

I still need a name for this pendant... Rivoli Kaleidoscope is already taken, and it isn't really a cherry blossom or a tulip. What do you think?


  1. How about something to do with a supernova? I'm seeing the petals as space debris. Whatever you call it, it's gorgeous!

    1. That's a good idea! But... I have the name "Supernova" in mind for something else... It doesn't have petals, but now I'm thinking that those would be a great addition too... Double thanks for the ideas!

  2. Beautiful colors! Fantastic pendant!

  3. This would be really pretty with green frivolity drops around the outside. It would look like a little fussy mussy type bouquet. A simple name like "Rivoli Flora" might be good. I can't wait for a pattern to be available.

    1. Thanks! "Rivoli Flora" is a nice one too... I'm waiting for an order to come in, and then I'm going to make some matching earrings before writing up the pattern. But it's definitely on my to-do list!
