Friday, April 19, 2013

Cosmic Tetrahedron

One of the themes of my talk at the San Diego Bead Society this weekend is how a simple change in geometry can lead to a new beaded structure. With this theme in mind, I wove a variation of the Cosmic Nocturne Pendant.

A Tetrahedral Variation

This particular variation uses the geometry of a tetrahedron. Can you see its similarity to this beaded tetrahedron?

I like how this design accentuates the faces and the points of the tetrahedron, but it also leaves a big space at the edges. This is unlike most of the beaded beads that I've seen (like the one above), which usually have at least one bead lying on the edge of the structure.

Variation vs. The Original Version

The tetrahedral variation is slightly smaller than its original counterpart, but it's still a nice size for a petite version of this pendant.

The Cosmic Nocturne Pendant is just one of the projects that I'll be teaching at the Bead & Button Show this June. The class for this particular project is on Friday, June 7, from 1-4 PM. More information about the show can be found on their website.