It's been a busy few weeks and I haven't had much time to post some of my newest beadwork. I haven't had the time because I'm traveling across the country to attend a huge national meeting. No, not that one, although I hope to go there some day. This meeting is related to my doctoral work.
A few weeks ago I posted some images of my light clusters earrings to the project gallery, and then I received multiple requests for a written tutorial for this project. I had thought about writing tutorials for my work for while, but this time I finally made the plunge and wrote one up. I think it was because I have made this beaded bead hundreds of times since I frequently use the basic octahedron in my beadwork. After lots of research online, tons of pictures, and hours upon hours of tinkering with Illustrator, I submitted my tutorial to last week. Writing a tutorial for a 3-D beaded object is really tough! It felt like it took forever.

I'm happy to report that this tutorial was accepted and is available at at this link. I'm very excited, not only because this is my first tutorial, but because it was accepted quickly and without any revisions! So I must be doing something right :)
Now I'm imagining up tutorials for my other beaded beads; I had better get to work!
I'm so happy to hear about this - for you *and* because those will be perfect for my sister's birthday gift (June b'day 'gem' is pearl).
Thanks Dawno, that's great idea! I didn't even think about the June birthstone when I submitted this tutorial!