Monday, October 1, 2012

New Kaleidoscopes for BABE! Show

The Bay Area Bead Extravaganza or BABE! show is next month. Have you registered for your classes yet? I'm busy putting together kits in additional color schemes for these classes. One is this purple Rivoli Kaleidoscope pendant, which looks kind of like a passionflower:

Another is this green, blue, and purple Rivoli Kaleidoscope. It's an analogous scheme right out of Color Theory 101, set firmly in the cool half of the color wheel.
I'll be including a sterling silver chain in the kits for this class, which I haven't provided in previous kits for this project.

The BABE! Show runs from November 2-4 in Oakland, CA. More information about class registration, along with general information about the show can be found here.


  1. 'love this. 'love the dimension and contrast!

  2. Ohhh, gorgeous! I wish I lived anywhere near the Bay area -- BABE sounds like an awesome event. :)

  3. Thanks! Sarah - BABE is indeed a great bead show. It's not as big as Bead & Button, but Trarie always puts together a great selection of classes and a diverse group of vendors.


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